December 13, 2021

Holiday Marketing Calendar 2022: Dates, Newsletters Ideas, and more [Download]

Reading time about 1 min

Download our 2022 Holiday Marketing Calendar, complete with all of next year’s important marketing dates. Even better, we’ve put together tips for each month to help you create timely and impactful marketing campaigns.

When you’re busy running a business, it can be hard to stay on top of every holiday, event, and sales period. We get it— you’ve got a lot on your plate. At the same time, producing holiday marketing content can really pay off. 📈

Holiday marketing, be it for Mother’s Day, Christmas, Valentine’s Day, or Black Friday, is one of the best ways to connect with customers and win them over. It’s also the time when shoppers are most engaged and ready to make a purchase. 🤑

But, just remembering the dates isn’t enough. You also have to prep your inventory, plan your marketing campaigns, and then make sales of course! 

This is where we step in. 👋 To make things easier for you, we put together a calendar with all of the important marketing dates of 2022. (Including some fun ones!) Alongside, you’ll find monthly tips and tricks to help guide your campaign strategy and spark inspiration.  

In the calendar, you’ll find:

  • The most important dates that generate sales (holidays, seasonal sales, non-work holidays, etc.)
  • Important events for marketing campaigns and audience engagement (sporting events, month-long observances, and unusual holidays)
  • Exclusive tips for each month to guide your email marketing strategy for 2022

How To Use This Marketing Calendar

On the first page, you’ll find an overview of the most important dates for each month of 2022. This is a great place to start drafting a long-term holiday marketing strategy. 📅

On the following pages, we’ve included strategic advice for each month to make sure you’re staying on track for success in your marketing efforts. ✔️ This section may also help inspire your creative side!

The holidays can be a stressful time for everyone. But hopefully this calendar can help take some of the pressure off and let you focus on the bigger picture. ✨

2022 Holiday Marketing Calendar
Downloading this calendar means you're signing up to our monthly newsletter, too. If you don't feel like getting regular marketing tips delivered to your inbox, you can always unsubscribe. 😉
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